Chinese New Year


Posted by bljs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 1, 2022

Just for fun Mrs Lindstrom, Miss Hobnob and Miss Goode have told me their Chinese Animal Signs. One is a monkey, one a dog and one a snake. But which is which? Check out the traits for each creature and comment your guesses!

Comments (26)

Miss Hobnob; Dog, Mrs Linstrom; Snake, Miss Goode; Monkey

Miss Hobday- a dog.
Miss Goode- a monkey.
Mrs Linstrom- a snake.

Sorry forgot to put why:
Miss Hobday a dog because she is compassinate and highly responsible.
Mrs Linstrom a monkey because she is funny.
Miss Goode a snake because she is sympathetic and intuitive.

You accidentaly changed Mrs Lindstrom to a monkey and Miss Goode to a snake!

Oh yeah, Miss Goode- monkey, Miss Hobday- dog, Mrs Lindstrom- snake.

Miss Hobday is a dog .
Miss Lindstrom is a snake because she is very scary.
Miss Goode is a monkey.


Miss Goode is a monkey, Mrs Lindstrom is a snake and Miss Hobday is a dog.

Miss Hobday-Dog
Miss Lindstrom-Snake
Miss Goode-Monkey

I think that Miss Goode is the Dog. Mrs Lindstrom is Snake and Miss Hobnob the Monkey.

Miss Goode=dog?

Mrs Lindstrom=snake?

Miss Hobnob=monkey?

Miss Lindstrom is a snake because she is very shouty (no offense meant), Miss Goode is a monkey because she is very smart, and Miss Hobnob is the dog because it’s the only one left.

Miss Hobnob is 100% the monkey.Mrs Lindstrom is the snake because she is scary.Miss Goode is the dog.

Miss Hobday: Dog becuase she is very smart.
Mrs Lindstrom: Snake because she is very wise.
Miss Goode: Monkey because she is very smart aswell.


Miss Hobday: Dog becuase she is very smart.

Mrs Lindstrom: Snake because she is very wise.

Miss Goode: Monkey because she is very smart aswell.


I think Miss Goode is the Dog because she is reliable, loyal, faithful and honest.

Miss hobnob is a Monkey because she is intelligent, witty, and strong-willed.

Mrs Lindstrom is a Snake because she is intelligent and wise.

I think Miss Goode is a Monkey, as I think she is creative.
I think Miss Hobday is a dog, and Mrs Lindstrom is a snake because she is head of year 6, so I think she plans lessons

Miss Goode=Money= funny

Mrs linstrom=snake= wise

Miss hobbday=dog= smart

Miss Goode is the Monkey
Miss Linstrom is the snake
Miss Hobday is the dog

Miss Goode- I think Miss Goode is the monkey because
she is smart, funny and kind.

Miss Hobnob- I think Miss Hobnob is the dog because she is really responsible and is very honest and kind.

Mrs Lindstrom- I think Mrs Lindstrom is the snake because she is very wise, intelligent and charming.

Those are my guesses!

we already know miss goode is a monkey because she told us yesterday she also fits monekey because she is very lively because she does running ,I think miss Lindstrom is a dog because she is faithful and honest, miss hobday is nonchalant which means she is a snake

Mrs Linstrom is dog because she is nice
Mrs hobday is snake because she is fierce
Mrs good is monkey because she is sharing

Hope you have a lovely day 🙂
From kyra Willett

miss Goode;mokey because she is sly

Miss Linstrom;snake because she is good at giving advise

Miss Hobnob;dog because she is honest and reliable

Miss Goode is the monkey because she is creative.
Miss Hobday is the dog because she is responsible and humourous.
Mrs Lindstrom is the snake because she is wise and good at making decisions.

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