The Origin story of Chinese New Year


Posted by rkekulawala2022 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 1, 2022

Long long ago in ancient China the Jade Emperor declared that there should be a way to measure time. Therefore, on the day of his birthday he told all the animals that there was to be a swimming race and that the first 12 animals to cross would have a year named after them.
They all lined up along the bank. The cat and the rat were worried as they weren’t good swimmers so they asked the ox to carry them. Kindly, the ox agreed to let them onto his back. As the ox was near the end the rat pushed the cat into the water and jumped over to the finishing line. The first zodiac year was then named after the rat as the ox got second place. Shortly after the tiger arrived at the end and won third place followed by the rabbit who had hopped across stepping stones and logs. Just then the dragon swooped down from the sky to claim fifth place. Afterwards the horse galloped in whilst the sneaky snake slithered out of its hooves. In shock the horse jumped back and sadly claimed 7th place. Not long after, a raft arrived carrying the goat, rooster and monkey. The goat claimed 8th place, monkey claimed 9th and rooster 10th. The 11th animal was the dog who bathed on the way consequently making him late. Finally, the boar arrived who had stopped to eat.
From this day the 12 years where named after the animals.
Xīn nián kuài lè everyone! b(=^‥^=)o

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