All the weird stuff you need to know about me


Posted by person562 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 11, 2022

Hi, my name is Camilla and I want to inform you that I am most definitely the strangest person on this Earth. Also, I am 11 years old and my birthday is on October 16th. My household includes: me, my dad and my brother but my whole family includes: me, my dad, my brother, my mum (she left me so I hate her…), my grandma, my three granddads, my nan, my two aunties (one of which is 12 years old), my four uncles, my second cousin, my cousin, my two great aunties and my half brother. Also my favorite color is Pink…


Most foods,                                                                                                                                                                                                     Most animals,


Some foods,                                                                                                                                                                                                    Some people,

My friends include Sophia, Auguste, Darcy, Chloe, Imogen and me… hehe

You may not think that I am weird at all so far but if you met me face to face, you would understand what I mean.

Thanks for taking the time to read my mini autobiography 🤣                                                                                                          Finally, in the lead up to christmas, we were working on  interactive stories. Here’s mine (it’s not exactly finished though).


Comments (5)

I enjoyed reading your mini autobiography it was quite funny.

Who are the some people you dislike?

Maybe next time tell us more about your hobbies and stuff 🙂

I pretty much have no hobbies, I only like playing adopt me with Sophia (which I only found out last night)

+I like how you gave pink a capital letter as if it was the most important thing in the world.

?Why did you not include me as one of your friends?

->Next time, you could explain more about your interests.

+ the Interactive was funny and interesting

? What type of food do you like and dislike?

-> to improve the story and more pattys

My dog has the same birthday!(She is very cute though)

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