Bearded dragons.


Posted by mparry2022 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 25, 2022

This is a fact file all about what bearded dragons are and how you can look after them.

Bearded Dragon For Beginners (The Complete Care Sheet) - Everything Reptiles

What is a beaded dragon? A bearded dragon is a reptile that you can keep as a pet. They love to be handled by their owners and they love playing and spending time with them. They will only bite if they are hungry, stressed or feel threatened. Do not fear though, if they you, bite you will not feel anything, only a small prick. They are suitable for the ages 8 and over. Bearded dragons also enjoy spending time with their owner on the sofa watching TV. They can live up to 10-15 years or more!

What do you need to look after a bearded dragon? In order to make your bearded dragon happy and healthy you will need a 2-4 foot cage, pet safe sand, heat lamp, a food and water bowl, food and treats, plants, places to hide like a cave, rock that will go under the heat lamp, things that they can climb on. You also need to make sure if there is a certain type of food and bedding they need.

Bearded dragons make really good pets. I hope you have enjoyed reading this!

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