The unknown Jewish virus


Posted by rkurkul2022 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 1, 2022

This is a real story that happened and it was on the Jews because they came in and it started

A couple of hundred years before there was a virus from the Jewish people and some place only knew about this. This virus effected Jews the had a sign on their arm to show that the are the Jews an have the virus.The Jews had only half an hour to pack up and move to a specific area. They were sent to a area that is about a mile long. It sounds a lot of space for one person but it was hundreds of Jews separated.The police said that the Jewish shop must close down and it was fine for criminals were allowed to rob the shops without getting in trouble.They were also allowed to rob their houses and some days later it gets the houses get destroyed and replaced.When the police came to the Jews houses the will instantly handcuff the and take them away to the special area.

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